Serve With Us
Holy Family Catholic Church is the central location where you practice being a steward of the gifts God has granted you and become involved in the life of the Church.
When you participate in the Church, you are helping to build the Kingdom of God here on earth starting right in your own neighborhood. You help build the Kingdom by joining a parish organization, volunteering with ministries operated by the parish, enrolling in an educational program or giving financially to meet the needs of the parish. As you give, you join with others in the parish doing the work of the Church and ministering to those in your community and beyond.
Be an active part of the faith that enriches your life each and every day. Get involved and help others build their faith while renewing yours! Stewardship is your way of showing gratitude for all God has given you.
Eucharistic or Extraordinary Ministers share the Body and Blood of Christ with the parish at Mass. Eucharistic Ministers: Eucharistic Ministers or EMs, are persons who distribute Communion (The Body and Blood of Christ) during Mass to the laity. EMs may also be tasked to bring Communion to individuals who are either homebound, reside in care facilities or are too ill to attend Mass in person. This is a vital ministry that requires persons to fully understand they are personally bringing Christ to lives of others. Persons interested in becoming an EM are required to submit a fingerprint background check and receive Eucharistic Ministry training. Catholics who have received the sacrament of Confirmation are invited to join this ministry. Ministers serve at least once a month. Please contact Deacon Vic or Father Fred at 707-645-9331 for more information and to sign up!
Lectors or Readers tell the story of God’s saving action on behalf of his people. They break open the Word of God and share the good news of God’s love. Adults and confirmed teens may participate in this ministry. Readers serve at least once a month. Do you have a gift for public speaking? Then consider becoming a Lector and bring Scripture to life for others. No prior experience is needed just a desire to bring Holy Scripture to life for your fellow parishioners. Contact Father Fred or Deacon Vic at 707-645-9331 for more information and to sign up!
Altar Servers assist the presider at Mass. This important ministry is open to adults and young people who have made their First Communion. We are especially in need of men and women to be adult servers. Training is necessary for this ministry. Servers are scheduled at least once a month. Want to help with preparing the Altar for Mass? Then become an Altar Server. Altar Servers can start as young as third grade and serve through high school age. And adults can be Altar Servers too! Training is required prior to serving with adults being eligible to become a Sacristan. Please contact Father Fred or Deacon Vic at 707-645.9331 for more information and to sign up!
Commentators and Greeters are important ministers of hospitality. Their ministry helps to make parishioners and visitors feel welcome and wanted. The ministries of Commentator and Greeter are open to all parishioners; it’s a great opportunity for families to work together for the Parish and to draw people together with a sense of unity and purpose. Please call the Church Office Secretary at 707-645-9331 to sign up.
Committees are important ministries of the Church. Do you have skills and experience in fundraising, finance, management, human resources, legal expertise or other corporate skills? How about serving on either the Pastoral Council or Finance Committee. The parish is always seeking new ideas and strategies, and most importantly those individuals who are willing to execute, implement and refine those ideas and strategies. The various committees are: Pastoral Committee, Finance Committee, Liturgy Committee, Spanish Committee, Donation Counter Committee, Cleaning Groups (Contact Erika Myers), Communication Media Outreach (Contact Tyrone Navarro), Community Outreach (Contact Deacon Vic Leach), and Recycling Society. The Art & Environment Committee is led by Arlene and John Collins. Please call the Church Office Secretary at 707-645-9331 to sign up for any of these committees.
Altar Society (Linen Society) are members maintain the linens used for the celebration of the Mass. Attention is paid to the proper cleaning, folding and maintenance of the various linens used during the Mass. Members are taught how to care for corporals, purificators, altar cloths and banners used for the liturgy of the Mass. Additionally, on occasion Altar Society members may also be asked to care forthe various vestments used by clergy personnel. Please contact Mary Narverud for more information.
Music Ministry offers numerous opportunities for you and your family to become involved with the Music Ministry at Holy Family Catholic Church. Can you play an instrument? How about carry a tune? Or both? Join our music ministry! Holy Family has several opportunities for individuals with a musical background. From Cantors to Childrens Choir, to more classical worship music styles to contemporary worship music done by our young adults, Tagalog songs, Hispanic Songs and everything else between there are many opportunities for you to raise your voice in song and praise or play along with your instrument of choice. Come join us and use your musical gifts and talents for the glory of God and the blessing of the Body of Christ. Please contact the Church Office Secretary or Deacon Vic at 707-645-9331 so that you can get connected to the Music Coordinator.
Religious Education Program gives children from kindergarten classes through eighth grades an opportunity to learn more about the faith. Children also prepare for First Confession and First Communion through this program. Teachers and Aides are needed for the many classes that meet weekly.
High School Confirmation Classes is a two year program where participants meet in small groups led by an adult facilitator.
R.C.I.A (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the pathway by which adults enter the Church. It is a journey of growth in the faith and involves a period of Inquiry followed by a more intense time of learning, reflection, and prayer (the Catechumenate). Sponsors and a Hospitality Team are also involved in the RCIA process. First Communion & Confirmation for adults are 12 weekly classes for sacramental formation.
Have a gift of helping individuals learn about new things? Then consider
becoming involved with Religious Education. While no teaching experience is necessary. a teaching
background is highly preferred. Interested persons are required to complete a diocesan background
check, complete diocesan Safe Environment Training, training by a parish mentor teacher and an
interview with the Pastor and Director of Religious Education.
Please call Marina Maldonado, Director of Religious Education, at 707-645-9331 for more information on any of the classes and to sign up.
Social Ministries at Holy Family Catholic Church:

Banyuhay Group U.S.A. – Contact: Amy San Pedro
The Filipino-American Association of American Canyon (Fil-Am) was formally established during a gathering of friends as a social, non-profit, non-partisan organization in September 2002. It is a cultural, educational, charitable organization. Fil-Am seeks to appreciate and cultivate values that will enhance unity and solidarity through cultural heritage, family and community service.
The association is 20 years old and its membership is growing steady. Fil-Am has been involved in community services like Pasko sa Nayon, Adopt-a-Highway cleanup program, co-chairing of the City of American Canyon’s 4th of July committee and Sining Kumintang, and Pista sa Nayon to name a few.
Fil-Am believes that our youth are the future and have been involved in youth scholarships. We also send donation to Bantay Bata and other charitable organizations in the Philippines during Christmas season.
Fil-Am Beneficiaries
September 2002 to Present:
American Canyon High School Alliance
American Canyon High School Color Guard
Bantay Bata, Philippines
Caltrans Adopt-a-Highway Program
Cebu Orphanage, Philippines
Christian Help Center, Vallejo
Holy Family Catholic Church, American Canyon
Missionaries for Charity – Kalibo Aklan, Philippines
American Cancer Society Relay For Life of American Canyon
Scholarships to High School Students
Victims of the mudslide in Southern Leyte, Philippines
Victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
Victims of Typhoon Ondoy through Sagip-Kapamilya Philippines
Fil-Am – Contact: Jod’l Cruz

What is Grupo Guadalupano? ¿Qué es el Grupo Guadalupano?
Our mission is to promote the evangelization in the Hispanic Community and devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, through daily prayer and meditation of the Holy Rosary. We are a bridge connecting the Hispanic community with the English speaking community at Holy Family Catholic Church.
Nuestra misión es promover la evangelización en la comunidad Hispana y la devoción a Nuestra Madre Santísima de Guadalupe, Patrona de Las Américas, por medio de oración y meditación del Santo Rosario. Somos un puente entre la comunidad Hispana y la comunidad de habla inglesa en la Iglesia de La Sagrada Familia.
What we do? ¿Qué es lo que hacemos?
We organize the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. We organize Spanish only masses and Eucharistic Adoration at Holy Family. We carry forward the traditions of our faith through different celebrations throughout the year like Posadas, Mañanitas and Kermes among other activities. We have a youth Spanish choir group. We assist the Hispanic community with any needs throughout the year.
Organizamos la celebración de Nuestra Madre Santísima de Guadalupe. Organizamos las misas en Español y la Adoración Eucarística en La Iglesia de La Sagrada Familia. Seguimos adelante con las tradiciones de nuestra fe por medio de celebraciones a lo largo de todo el año como son las Posadas, Mañanitas y Kermes, así como otras actividades. Tenemos un grupo de coro de jóvenes en Español. Asistimos a la comunidad Hispana en cualquier necesidad durante todo el ano.
How to join? ¿Cómo puedo formar parte del grupo?
Join our monthly meetings second Tuesday of the month.
Asiste a nuestras juntas mensuales el Segundo martes de cada mes.
Call or text/Llama o manda un mensaje de texto:
Karina Servente: 415-250-7442
Angelica Castro: 707-227-5347
Ana Castro: 707-494-6163
OUR MISSION: We are Catholic men building a bridge back to faith. There is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that’s what Knights do every day.
OUR FAITH: Our goal is to help men, their families and their parishes grow closer to Christ. Through our programs and resources, we provide opportunities to live and spread the Catholic faith.
OUR HISTORY: Service and charity are the heart of the Knights. Founded to meet the needs of immigrants, refugees and families suffering from the death of a breadwinner, the Knights began as a small service organization and has grown into a worldwide financial and charitable organization.
ABOUT MEMBERSHIP – WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A KNIGHT: We are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect, and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors, and role models and to put charity and community first.
Our Principles :
All the good works we do are informed by four core principles:
Charity – Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day.
Unity – None of us is as good as all of us. Members of the Knights of Columbus all know that – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. So we stick together…we support one another. That doesn’t mean that we always agree or that there is never a difference of opinion. It does mean that – as a Knight of Columbus – you can count on the support and encouragement of your brother Knights as you work to make life better in your parish and community.
Fraternity – Blessed Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do the good works of individual Knights, who gave more than 75.6 million service hours in 2017, illustrating how Catholics serve each other in fraternity and mercy.
Patriotism – Members of the Knights of Columbus, be they Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Cubans, Filipinos, Poles, or Dominicans, are patriotic citizens. We are proud of our devotion to God and country, and believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support their nations and are amongst the greatest citizens.
Holy Family Council 15750

Men’s Club – Contact: David Pott
All are Parishioners are invited to join our monthly meeting for Prayer, Fellowship, and a Potluck. The Men’s Club and Women’s Club are social groups that offer parishioners the opportunity to meet in fellowship with other parishioners. The Men’s Club and Women’s Club have served and continue to be an important pillar of our parish community.
Men’s Club meets the First Tuesday of every month at 7:00 P.M.
Contact: David Pott
Activities: In addition to supporting the activities of Women’s Club we volunteer to set up and clean up many social events at our Church.
Couples for Christ – Foundation for Family and Life has officially changed its name to Missionary Families of Christ (MFC).
What is Missionary Families of Christ?
Couples for Christ – Foundation for Family and Life has officially changed its name to Missionary Families of Christ (MFC). The name “Couples for Christ” is no longer reflective of our call. Now it is clear who we are and what we are called to do. The two most important aspects of Christian life, especially considering the deepening evil in the world today, are the renewal of families and the work of evangelization.
What is our Vision?
We are an evangelistic and missionary community committed to become families empowered by the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.
What is our Mission?
We strive to be God’s holy warriors, as we commit to renew the temporal order through our work in defending faith, family and life. We are servants to the Church, working to renew her children through every generation and throughout the world, until the Lord returns once again.
We serve and support our parish as: choir members, council members, religious education catechists, lectors, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, Bible study and evangelization work. We serve the community by: feeding the hungry, sponsor a blood drive, health and wellness, fund raising, medical missions and others.
We do evangelization thru the Live Christ Share Christ Movement (LCSC) and it’s 4 pillars:
• Live Pure,
• Live the Word,
• Live Life
• Live Full
MFC Sections:
The community of MFC is divided into Sections, which correspond to the different support environments for each and every member of the family. Thus we have:
• Kids,
• Youth,
• Singles,
• Couples,
• Handmaids
• Servants.
All Sections are important, and make up the womb-to-tomb family renewal work of MFC.
How to join?
Entry point is by attending the CLS, Christian Life Seminar. CLS is an integrated course intended to lead the seminar participants into a renewed understanding of and respond to God’s call to them as Christians.
Frank and Bannie Lee – MFC Holy Family Parish Coordinators
Ph: 1(415) 297-5314/(707) 805-3344
Eric and Alice Pormento – MFC Area servants
Ph: 1(707) 344-8100/8000

Women’s Club – Nancy Nabrynski
All are invited to join our monthly meeting for Prayer, Fellowship and a monthly Potluck or zoom.
Women’s Club meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm
Contact: Nancy Nabrynski Cell 707-318-4860 or Carol Strausborger Cell 707-704-3691
What we do: Fund the Host for Church Services, Donate funds for disaster relief, Donate to the Construction Fund for members and their families, Send cards and food for club members in need, Support the Get on the Bus Program, Donate food, drinks and volunteer for Church Social Events, Support and participate in Relay for Life, Participate in the Global Holiday Fair, Organize emergency transportation for members in need, Donate cookies and doughnuts for Sunday Mass, Donate Gift Cards to the needy and high school graduates.